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Etablissement Boisbouvier Robert joins forces with English firm Michael Bula Solicitors

Robert Boisbouvier

Law & Tax

Etablissement Boisbouvier Robert has teamed up with the Anglo-Saxon law firm Michael Bula Solicitors to provide its clients with further support in structuring common law and Eurasian transactions.

Presentation of the Anglo-Saxon law firm Michael Bula

NAATI(National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) French to English translator accredited by the French and Australian authorities in Australia.
Notary – L’Union Internationale du Notariat – ANZCN – Scriveners of London
President of the Victorian Chamber of Notaries [former President from 2007 to 2009].
Former Deputy Chairman and still a member [Victorian Governor responsible for International Relations] of the Board and an Associate Member of The Australian and New Zealand College of Notaries, [ANZCN] a limited company established in June 2007.
Represents the College which has observer status by virtue of its application to the Union Internationale du Notariat [UINL], of which the firm is an individual member, and the College which represents Australia on theInternational Task Force Common Law Civil Law.
Freeman and Liveryman of the WORSHIPFUL COMPANY OF SCRIVENERS OF LONDON – the first and only Australian and a Freeman of the City of London.
Organisational Collaboration Agreements: Has developed Organisational Collaboration Agreements with law firms – France [Paris], Italy [Rome, Milan, Trieste and Palermo], Portugal, New Caledonia, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Mauritania, Niger, RĂ©union, Tunisia, Congo-Brazzaville, Ivory Coast, Morocco and French Polynesia.
MBS has created its own international alliance of law firms and notaries’ offices. MBS is in the process of negotiating several similar agreements. Other countries are covered by professional correspondence links.
Michael Bula has been Honorary Consul General of Senegal in Australia since 2003.